ayurvedic sessions

what is ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that originated in India more than 5000 years ago. The word Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words “ayus” (life) and “veda” (knowledge) and thus, Ayurveda is often translated as “the science of life”.

  • It is based on the principle that optimal health and wellness depend on a balance between body, mind and spirit.

  • It provides a way of understanding the interconnectedness of these aspects of our being and offers tools for maintaining harmony and balance.

  • Emphasis is placed on the use of natural remedies, such as herbs, massage, meditation, daily routine and dietary changes, to prevent and treat illness.


nervous system reset

A 45min full body oil massage (abhyanga) to help calm and reset the nervous system. Please allow 60mins to enjoy some herbal tea and refreshments afterwards.

60min session — $110

diet & lifestyle advice

Tailored advice specific to your constitution including your ideal daily routine, what types of foods and when you’re best suited to eating and even the types of activities that you’re best suited to. This advice is fantastic to help keep you in balance or bring yourself back to balance. You will leave with some handouts with some key points to action.

45min tea and chat - $90