massage + acupressure

treat yo’self

Our body does a wonderful job of holding us up through all the stress and anxieties and daily to-dos. Sometimes all we need is a reset, physically or energetically, to help us get back on an even keel.

Book in for a remedial massage or acupressure session to help yourself reset.



30 min or 60 min remedial massage sessions to release those tight areas and the stress that builds up and expresses itself in our physical body.


a gentle, deeply relaxing method that works on the meridians (Qi) of the body to help stimulate energy flow.

cost of sessions

Please note that massage sessions cannot be claimed under ‘Massage’ by a ‘Remedial Therapist’. Sessions can only be claimed under ‘Physiotherapy’. If you would like to use your remedial massage cover, I would recommend Paul Ashburne ( who works out of a space in Sorrento or the amazing ladies at Motion Clinic, who are gurus with fascia and massage.

Please see the “Service Swap” tab if you would prefer to open communication about swapping services instead.



This can be general maintenance or can be targeted at a specific area that needs some attention. (Dry needling and cupping may be used during these sessions too)

30min session — $90
60min session — $160


Please note that acupressure is a VERY gentle method consisting of gentle point holds that works with the energy in the body as opposed to the release of tight knots. This is applied lying down.

30min session— $70
60min session — $120

If i am unable to help, i will point you in the direction of someone who can.